What claim can this little book make as it
joins the millions of other books that lie like
raucous street vendors for the eye and ear of
a fleeting fickle public? To life there are
many keys but only one master key! What is
it? Where is it? This unpretentious little book
claims to declare it!
Chapter 1
Have you ever given your spouse the only set of keys to the house or car? If you have,
then you can identify with one of the characters in the following drama.
Wife, digging through her purse: "I can't find the key!" Husband, growing
impatient: "You what
Wife: "I can't find the key!
Husband: "Well, where did you put it?"
Wife: "Oh, don't be silly If I knew where I put it, I wouldn't be looking for it,
now, would I?"
How many times have you participated in such a conversation? In how many different
scenarios? Fumbling fingers in the pale moonlight! Shivering figures on the front door
step! Tired travelers by the curbside with a cozy car, so near and yet so far, that defies
all efforts to enter!
What is this elusive object that we have so much trouble hanging onto?
The key!
We seek it here, we seek it there, we seek it everywhere! Why is it so important? What
does it do?
It locks the door, starts the engine, allows me to enter my own home, prevents the
stranger access to private territory, turns a door into a barrier, imprisons a man for
life or, with one flick of a finger, allows me to leave rain, cold, storm and dark for
warmth, comfort, light and friendship. So small but so vital! I may be only a hundred
miles from my destination and in possession of a machine that can eat up the miles, but
without a key to enter or start the engine, it is almost impossible to get where I want to
Obviously, the key is an essential object.
We use the word key in a variety of expressions: Gibraltar, the key to the Mediterranean;
the code, the key to decipher the meaningless message; the key man; the keyword; the key
Does God Have a Key?
Does God have a key? If so, what is it? What is it for? So many people are in prison with
no key to the solution that would set them free! The inward prison and the inward chains
are a thousand times worse than any concrete prison's black despair; they produce a more
hopeless helplessness than ever the bare- backed galley slaves experienced when they were
chained in rows by ankles and wrists, their cruel taskmasters lashing their bleeding backs
as their oars dipped in perfect unison to cut swiftly through the gleaming waters. No
blacksmith can forge, no key cutter fashion, a key to open the dungeon of utter numb- ness
that is the experience of millions who are in bondage to deadly, vicious habits and fear.
Pile up all your worldly solutions: Psychiatry, drugs, amusement parks, night clubs, bingo
house, pep talks and weekend get-aways; then stand back and take a good look. None of
these will ever meet man's deepest need and set him free from his failure and his sin! Is
there a key to unlock the inward prison?
Consider the man who is consumed by a lust for money, power or women and has made a
shambles of his life by pursuing something other than God's will for him, who has
exchanged ethics for greed and humility for
self-aggrandizement, who has settled for living a lie rather than dwelling in the truth.
Is there a key that will turn his failure into success?
What is it? Where is it? I spent many years of my life looking for it, without knowing
what I was seeking. Over and over again, I came up against failure in different areas of
my life, until God finally revealed to me the cause of my failure and the key to turning
it around.
The key that I was looking for was originally lost in the garden of Eden. God can identify
with the spouse who gave away his only set of keys! He once gave a very important key to
Adam and Eve, but they lost it in the paradise He had created for them. When they did,
they placed the rest of us in a position for failure and set us on a search to find the
way out of it.
We are left, like the couple we met earlier, in a fix: 'I can't find the key!'
'Well, where did you put it?" 'Oh, don't be silly! If I knew where I put it, I
wouldn't be looking for it, now, would I? In fact, I'm not sure I've ever had it!'
If you can identify with this experience, if you are wondering where to find the key that
will release you or someone you know from the bondage of sin and the frustration of
failure, read on. Perhaps you can also identify with one of the real-life examples of
failure that I discuss in the next chapter.